PC Power Systems
There are Two Basic Elements

When it comes to PC power systems, we're looking at two different but related sources of power. The initial energy comes from an external source. If lacking, it renders the second ineffective. This secondary power system is located within the motherboard of your computer.

During these eco-conscious times, many of us have begun to question our primary power sources. We understand that the power system that originates in the grid is environmentally harmful. Some might wish to change the power source in order to reduce their dependency on fossil fuels. Others want to escape from the grid as part of an alternative lifestyle – one free of government interference.

It's possible to still operate the various appliances and electronics in your home without traditional power sources. When adopting this approach, however, it becomes necessary to examine closely the two power systems and how they interact. This will provide you with a clearer understanding of what your PC power requirements are and how to alter your current energy sources. It will also indicate what possibilities are available for you to access.

The PC Power Supply

The power system responsible for the running of your computer is referred to as a power supply unit or PSU. This piece of technology has developed over the years. Today these systems conform to specific standards of Advanced Technology eXtended (ATX). This feature is responsible for the transfer and exchange of energy taking place without malfunctioning.

The position of the PSU is highly visible on your computer. You can locate it by looking at the back of the box that contains your computer. It's found where the power cord receptacle and cooling fan are positioned.

What Does the PSU Do?

The PSU accepts the current from the external source. It does not matter whether it's traditional or alternative. It then transforms or switches the energy from alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). This is one reason why the system is often referred to as a switching power supply. Voltages tend to be one of the following:

  • 3.3 volts – common for digital circuit systems
  • 5 volts – common for digital circuit systems
  • 12 volts – used to run motors found in disk drives and cooling fans


A PSU needs to be able to convert efficiently. In the transfer of energy from the exterior to the internal, it creates heat. If the exchange is excessive, it will increase the cost of running the computer. It becomes essential, therefore, to make sure the PSU has passed certification. This indicates that it will use the energy more efficiently than other models. As a result, less power is wasted. This will help to decrease your energy bills.


If you want to decrease your energy bills, consider your PC power systems. Look at the energy exchange occurring within the PSU. Check to see whether your PC power system meets both the industry and energy standards required to make it as energy efficient as possible. If you find it lacking, it may be best to purchase a new computer before you put in place a newer external PC power supply system.

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